Saturday, April 17, 2021

Sunday- Rest/Recovery/Stretching


There will be no active physical training completed on Sunday. You can use this rest and recovery day any day of the week to break up your workout split when you are feeling over exerted. Sundays usually work best for most people when looking fat a normal work week though. For this day you want to focus on getting as much sleep as you can. Your recovery hormones are produced while your body is sleeping so if you can,  sleep in. These rest days can be utilized to positively effect your workouts for next week if completed correctly. 

Training Rest Days-Sundays

It's a good idea to use your rest days to relax and also stretch. Stretching can assist the recovery process after intense workouts. My suggestion is you have a timer or a stop watch while you're holding your stretches from position to position. 

You can Alsop incorporate fasted cardio on these rest days. Make are sure the cardio isn't too intense, this works perfect for people who are trying to lose weight or get leaner. I will have another blog describing ideas on how to get lean and how to gain weight. 

After you complete fasted cardio or wake up focus on starting your stretching routine. It shouldn't take long, implement at least a 20 minute to 25 minute window to complete your stretches.

Heres a simple stretching routine that will help improve overall flexibility and recovery. Start by sitting  down on the ground with both legs together. Take your hands and reach for the top of your feet stretching your hamstrings and lower back. (Hold each of these positions for at least 10 seconds.) Next spread both of your feet apart reaching both arms to your left leg. Then alternate tor eating both of your arms to your right leg. This will help stretch your lower back as well as stretch your hamstring. Next sit in a Buddha like posting with your knees on your inner thigh pushing doe. This position will help stretch your groin. 

Stand up with both legs together reach down as far as possible stretching your hamstrings and lower back. Now again spread your feet reaching both arms to one leg at a time. Alternate between your left and right legs. 

Take one arm across your chest, and place the forearm of your opposite arm that's not crossing your chest against the elbow of the arm that is crossing your chest. Pull the arm so its putting force on the elbow and in return stretching your triceps and chest. 

Finally place both arms behind your lower back interlocking fingers, slightly bend at the hips and take your interlocked hands as far up your back as you can.

This will complete your stretching routine  feel free to change or add to the routine as seen fit. 

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